Author Archives: admin

Fresh from the Garden: Herbal Holiday Delights from Donaldson’s Greenhouse

The holiday season is a wonderful time to bring the aromatic and flavorful herbs from your garden or indoor kitchen garden into your holiday cooking. At Donaldson’s Greenhouse, we celebrate the extraordinary flavors that home-grown herbs can add to classic holiday dishes, turning them into exceptional feasts. Below are four delightful recipes that beautifully incorporate […]

Beyond Poinsettias: Great Houseplants for the Holidays (and Beyond)

Hello to all our green-thumbed friends! As the holidays approach, why not venture beyond the traditional poinsettia and refresh your seasonal decor with an array of stunning houseplants? Donaldson’s Greenhouse & Nursery is thrilled to offer a variety that promises to not only dazzle this holiday season but also to enrich your home throughout the […]

Reviving Your Houseplants: Ensuring Vibrant Growth in Low Light

Insights from Donaldson’s Greenhouse & Nursery Hello, plant enthusiasts! At Donaldson’s Greenhouse & Nursery, we understand that not everyone has the luxury of abundant sunlight streaming through their windows. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you on how to maintain healthy and lush houseplants even in the more shaded nooks of your home. Let’s […]

Harvesting and Preserving Herbs: Tips from Donaldson’s Greenhouse & Nursery

The amber allure of October blankets our gardens, compelling us to gather and value the herbal masterpieces that have flavored our meals and filled our homes with fragrance during the sunlit seasons. To ensure these herbal delights linger through winter’s embrace, the dual acts of apt harvesting and judicious preservation are crucial. Donaldson’s Greenhouse & […]

Fall Garden Cleanup Checklist for Donaldson’s Greenhouse & Nursery

Leaf Removal: Considering the diversity of deciduous trees in the area, be prepared for a lot of leaves. Gather and compost them, ensuring that those from diseased plants are properly discarded. Perennials: After the initial frost, cut back dead foliage to deter pests. Split and transplant any perennials that appear overly expansive or less vigorous. […]

A Green Transition: Moving Your Plants Indoors with Donaldson’s Greenhouse

Greetings to our cherished Donaldson’s Greenhouse community! As the balmy days of summer start to wane, giving way to the cooler tones of fall, it’s that moment to begin thinking about safely transitioning our outdoor houseplants into the cozy embrace of our homes. If this task feels a tad overwhelming, take a deep breath. With […]

Dive into Nocturnal Beauty: Craft Your Dream Moon Garden

Imagine this: As the sun takes its leave and twilight emerges, you’re surrounded by flowers that glitter and gleam in the moon’s tender embrace. Such is the allure of a moon garden – a sanctuary filled with plants that bloom, shimmer, and release their fragrances in the nighttime. A haven that adds a touch of […]