Author Archives: Denise Stevenson

Blooming Early: Embrace the Hardy Hellebores in Your Perennial Garden

Spring may take its sweet time to fully unfold, but there’s a hardy perennial eager to break through the chilly soil and grace your garden with its presence long before most. The hellebore, a resilient and charming plant, offers a delightful preview of the blooming season. At Donaldson’s Greenhouse and Nursery, we’re passionate about incorporating […]

Incorporating Perennials in Your March Garden Planning

As we eagerly await the arrival of spring at Donaldson’s Greenhouse and Nursery, we understand the excitement and anticipation that comes with planning your garden for the upcoming season. March is the perfect time to start thinking about how to bring life and color back into your landscape, and incorporating perennials is an excellent strategy […]

Eco-Friendly Gardening: Sustainable Practices for Your Garden

Gardening is not just a way to beautify our surroundings; it’s an opportunity to positively impact the environment. At Donaldson Greenhouse, we believe in nurturing our gardens in a way that respects and enhances the natural ecosystem. Here, we share some eco-friendly gardening practices that every gardener, novice or expert, can adopt to make their […]

Brighten Your New Jersey Winter with Houseplants from Donaldson Greenhouse

As the winter chill settles over New Jersey, the landscape outside might look a bit bleak. But inside Donaldson Greenhouse, it’s a different story. Our lush oasis of houseplants can infuse life and color into your home during the coldest months. Here’s a glimpse of our diverse selection and why bringing plants indoors is especially […]

Plant Combinations for the Garden Bed

1. Ornamental Grasses + Asters + Coneflowers: Ornamental Grasses, such as Fountain Grass or Feather Reed Grass, bring elegance and texture to the garden. Pair them with the vibrant colors of Asters and the striking presence of Coneflowers (Echinacea). This trio offers visual harmony and attracts pollinators, perfect for a New Jersey garden. 2. Chrysanthemums […]

Lawn Revitalization: Lime and Seed with Expert Guidance from Donaldson’s Greenhouses in New Jersey

As the seasons unfold with their burst of colors, homeowners in New Jersey have a unique opportunity to revive their lawns. Enter Donaldson’s Greenhouses, your trusted partner in cultivating a thriving lawn. This comprehensive guide delves into the essential practices of liming and seeding, tailored to elevate your outdoor space. With the added benefit of […]